Day 7: Monday, September 16

16 september 2013 - Kazanlak, Bulgarije


In Bulgaria, it was the first day of school for all the children, so we went to the school of Kazanlak to have see the pretty dressed children. It's different than in Belgium. The youngsters are dressed as if they are going to a prom; children and youngsters  bring flowers for their teachers (even the bad boys with the hiphop cap and the cool stance) ànd there is a priest who is ?initiating? the new school year. (If the new school year in Belgium would start with a holy mass, students would just show up 2 hours later!) Antonia,  a friend of Georgi that I met Wednesday, was also there, and she gave me a present! She made earrings and a ring by herself, in purple and pink colours. They are beautiful! Thank you! :D

Next, we visited some banks to do some money transactions and went to the labour office again. Europe is giving some grants to Bulgarian workers, so Georgi wants to try to receive some grants so he can let his cousin, who worked for him in Sovopol, also work for him during the winter season. It's a lot of paper work that you cannot do by computer (you have to fill in the same things over and over again). 
Normally the glasses with the logo print had to be ready in the graphic office, but they weren't finished yet... Delivery problems! They promised that they will be ready tommorow...
In the afternoon we went to Stara Zagora (where they make the Zagorka beer that is very famous in Bulgaria. For a not-Belgian beer, it is pretty good) to visit the Frapechino shop. Antonia also came with us, and we had a cosy afternoon! Back in Kazanlak we went to the art/painting shop (where I can spend al my money) and in the evening, Antonia and I tried to paint glasses as a try out for Georgi his Frappechino glasses. I think we need some more excercise first ;)


